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  2. “Every individual is different from another and hence should be considered as a different entity. As many variations are there in the Universe, all are seen in Human being”…… Charak Samhita

    Ayurvedic treatment is based on the ascertainment of individual constitution. This is the unique power of the system in that it treats the living individual as the most important factor. Ayurveda does not regard disease as a factor in itself but only as a complication of constitutional imbalance.
    The predominance of elements, gunas and Doshas at the time of fertilization decides the constitution or bio-typology of the individual. Once this proportion is set it generally remains permanent for the lifetime of individual.
    This Prikriti or physical constitution of an individual depends upon the following:
     condition of sperm and ovum at the time of conception.
     Nature of the season and the condition inside the uterus.
     Food & other regimens adopted by mother during pregnancy.
     Nature of the elements comprising the fetus.

    In one scientific research, work was done to understand if there is any genetic basis to the ayurvedic concept of prakriti. It was postulated that human phenome based on prakriti, namely kapha, pitta and vata have genetic connotation that could help classifying human population based on broad phenotype clusters. According to ayurveda, every individual is different from another and hence should be considered as a different entity.

    Ayurveda generally categorizes individuals in one of the three broad classes of ‘prakriti’ based on certain physical, physiological and psychological characters. This is independent of racial, ethnic or geographical considerations and may provide appropriate means of classifying phenotypes to be considered collectively for genotyping.

    This is based on the permutations and combinations of the three Doshas, seven types of constitution can be formed:
     VATA
     PITTA
     KAPHA
     SAMA PRIKRITI (balanced constitution)

    To know more please call: +919415335166 or mail

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